Package core

Class Output

  • public class Output
    extends Object
    Methods for requesting outputs. This class provides methods for requesting certain outputs from the simulation. These methods should be called prior to the initialization of the simulation. Most of them share these parameters: prefix ... If you wish to write the output to files, this string will be used as a prefix for all output files in this run. Otherwise, set it to null.
    output_folder ... Folder for storing output files. If output should be preserved in memory (for the plot methods), then set to null.
    commodity_id ... Commodity id for the requested output.
    link_ids ... Collection of link ids for the requested output.
    outDt ... Output sampling time in seconds. If the underlying model has a time step (as opposed to an event based model) then outDt should be a multiple of that time step.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Output

        public Output()
    • Method Detail

      • get_data

        public Set<AbstractOutput> get_data()
        Get the set of all output objects.
        Set of output objects
      • get_file_names

        public Set<String> get_file_names()
        Get the set of all output file names.
        Set of all output file names
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clear the outputs.
      • request_links_flow

        public void request_links_flow​(String prefix,
                                       String output_folder,
                                       Long commodity_id,
                                       Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                       Float outDt)
        Request link flows
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        link_ids - Collection of requested link ids
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_links_veh

        public void request_links_veh​(String prefix,
                                      String output_folder,
                                      Long commodity_id,
                                      Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                      Float outDt)
        Request link vehicles.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        link_ids - Collection of requested link ids
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_links_sum_veh

        public void request_links_sum_veh​(String prefix,
                                          String output_folder,
                                          Long commodity_id,
                                          Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                          Float outDt)
        Request link wsum of vehicles.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        link_ids - Collection of requested link ids
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_link_queues

        public void request_link_queues​(String prefix,
                                        String output_folder,
                                        Long commodity_id,
                                        Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                        Float outDt)
        Request vehicles in a mesoscopic queue.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        link_ids - Collection of requested link ids
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_lanegroups

        public void request_lanegroups​(String prefix,
                                       String output_folder)
        Request lane group outputs
        prefix - Prefix for the output files.
        output_folder - Output folder.
      • request_lanegroup_flw

        public void request_lanegroup_flw​(String prefix,
                                          String output_folder,
                                          Long commodity_id,
                                          Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                          Float outDt)
        Request lane group flows.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        link_ids - Collection of requested link ids
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_lanegroup_veh

        public void request_lanegroup_veh​(String prefix,
                                          String output_folder,
                                          Long commodity_id,
                                          Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                          Float outDt)
        Request lane group vehicles.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        link_ids - Collection of requested link ids
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_lanegroup_sum_veh

        public void request_lanegroup_sum_veh​(String prefix,
                                              String output_folder,
                                              Long commodity_id,
                                              Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                              Float outDt)
        Request lane group sum vehicles over simulation time steps. Works only for timestep-based models.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        link_ids - Collection of requested link ids
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_lanegroup_sum_veh_dwn

        public void request_lanegroup_sum_veh_dwn​(String prefix,
                                                  String output_folder,
                                                  Long commodity_id,
                                                  Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                                  Float outDt)
      • request_cell_flw

        public void request_cell_flw​(String prefix,
                                     String output_folder,
                                     Long commodity_id,
                                     Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                     Float outDt)
        Request cell flows.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        link_ids - Collection of requested link ids
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_cell_veh

        public void request_cell_veh​(String prefix,
                                     String output_folder,
                                     Long commodity_id,
                                     Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                     Float outDt)
        Request cell vehicles.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        link_ids - Collection of requested link ids
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_cell_sum_veh

        public void request_cell_sum_veh​(String prefix,
                                         String output_folder,
                                         Long commodity_id,
                                         Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                         Float outDt)
        Request cell sum of vehicles. Works only for timestep-based models.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        link_ids - Collection of requested link ids
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_cell_sum_veh_dwn

        public void request_cell_sum_veh_dwn​(String prefix,
                                             String output_folder,
                                             Long commodity_id,
                                             Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                             Float outDt)
        Request cell vehicles moving downstream. Works only for timestep-based models.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        link_ids - Collection of requested link ids
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_cell_lanechange_out

        public void request_cell_lanechange_out​(String prefix,
                                                String output_folder,
                                                Long commodity_id,
                                                Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                                Float outDt)
        Request cell vehicles moving to outside lane group. Works only for timestep-based models.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        link_ids - Collection of requested link ids
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_cell_lanechange_in

        public void request_cell_lanechange_in​(String prefix,
                                               String output_folder,
                                               Long commodity_id,
                                               Collection<Long> link_ids,
                                               Float outDt)
        Request cell vehicles moving to incside lane group. Works only for timestep-based models.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        link_ids - Collection of requested link ids
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_path_travel_time

        public void request_path_travel_time​(String prefix,
                                             String output_folder,
                                             Long subnetwork_id,
                                             Float outDt)
        Request the travel times on a given path.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        subnetwork_id - Id of the requested subnetwork. null means the entire network.
        outDt - Output sampling time in seconds.
      • request_subnetwork_vht

        public void request_subnetwork_vht​(String prefix,
                                           String output_folder,
                                           Long commodity_id,
                                           Long subnetwork_id,
                                           Float outDt)
        Request VHT for a subnetwork
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means aggregate over commodities.
        subnetwork_id - Id of the requested subnetwork. null means the entire network.
        outDt - Output sampling time.
      • request_vehicle_events

        public void request_vehicle_events​(String prefix,
                                           String output_folder,
                                           Long commodity_id)
        Request vehicle events.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        commodity_id - Id for the requested vehicle type. null means all commodities.
      • request_vehicle_class

        public void request_vehicle_class​(String prefix,
                                          String output_folder)
        Request vehicle class.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
      • request_travel_time

        public void request_travel_time​(String prefix,
                                        String output_folder)
        Request travel times.
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
      • request_controller

        public void request_controller​(String prefix,
                                       String output_folder,
                                       Long controller_id)
        Request controller events
        prefix - Prefix for the output files. null means do not write to file.
        output_folder - Output folder. null means do not write to file.
        controller_id - Controller id. null is all controllers.